
domingo, 18 de março de 2018

Propaganda fascista

        Guardian Rips-Off Goebbels – Fascist Propaganda For Better Anti-Russian Smears
Just recently the Rothschild organ The Economist depicted the Russian president Putin as a dangerous octopus.
The idea was not original at all. Russia has been the favored target of this denigrating comparison for more than a century.
The idea was not original at all. Russia has been the favored target of this denigrating comparison for more than a century.
The Guardian, no less anti-Russian than the Economist, now follows suit.
The Steve Bell Guardian cartoon, just like the Economist cover, demonstrates a lack of creativity and originality. The spider cartoon is an obvious rip-off from a anti-Russian Nazi campaign:
Este artigo encontra-se em: FOICEBOOK

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Viagem à Polónia

Viagem à Polónia
Auschwitz: nele pereceram 4 milhôes de judeus. Depois dos nazis os genocídios continuaram por outras formas.

Viagem à Polónia

Viagem à Polónia
Auschwitz, Campo de extermínio. Memória do Mal Absoluto.