
domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018

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By Andrew Korybko, August 24, 2018
El Salvador’s decision to break off ties with Taipei and “defect” to Beijing obviously had a lot to do with the economic aid that China promised it, but the People’s Republic is embracing the Central American nation for strategic reasons that go far beyond the symbolism of international recognition and include the establishment of an influential foothold in the US’ “backyard”.

By Prof. Fabio Massimo Parenti, August 24, 2018
Is the Belt and Road initiative (BRI) a strategic tool of Beijing or a geopolitical lever to confront the West? Is BRI comparable to the old Marshall Plan, the US-led project at the beginning of the Cold War to confront the Soviet Union?

By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 24, 2018
This month, August 2018, marks the ‘end’ of the 3rd debt bailout of Greece, 2015-18. If one were to believe the European and US press, Greece has now recovered and emerged from the bailout and its now nearly decade-long debt crisis, and the depression it created. But that conclusion couldn’t be further from the truth.

By Ellen Brown, August 24, 2018
Giant Chinese tech companies have bypassed credit cards and banks to create their own low-cost digital payment systems.
The US credit card system siphons off excessive amounts of money from merchants, who must raise their prices to cover this charge. In a typical $100 credit card purchase, only $97.25 goes to the seller. The rest goes to banks and processors. But who can compete with Visa and MasterCard?
Additional articles:

By F. William Engdahl and Michael Welch, August 24, 2018
In the book, Engdahl outlines a weapon of war in the costume of furthering democratic rights and freedoms. Various case studies include the break-up of the Soviet Union, the break up of Yugoslavia, and the attempted overthrow of the Chinese State.

By Catherine Shakdam, August 24, 2018
If the world has grown accustomed to America’s distaste of Iran on account of its system of governance and political elite as a negation of its own political paradigm, it would be wise to reposition Tehran and Washington’s relations within their rightful context.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article.

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China’s Response to Western Globalization

By Global Research News
Global Research, August 24, 2018

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Auschwitz: nele pereceram 4 milhôes de judeus. Depois dos nazis os genocídios continuaram por outras formas.

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Auschwitz, Campo de extermínio. Memória do Mal Absoluto.